Periodic Reporting
Performance Reporting (including Unspent Funds) - Milestones - One-Offs - Financial Acquittals
A Funded Organisation cannot resubmit a report once the Department has accepted/approved the report.
If a performance or financial report containing errors is submitted to the Department, the Funded Organisation can request the Contract Officer reject the report. This allows the Funded Organisation to correct any errors and resubmit.
The Acquittals Dashboard allows Funded Organisation staff to:
- complete Performance Reporting (refer to Performance Based Acquittals (PBA))
- Service Outlet Data Entry to submit a Performance Report to the Service Outlet Manager for endorsing (refer to Submit (or resubmit) a PBA and Endorse (or reject) a PBA)
- Budget and Finance Officer to report on unspent funds (refer to Report Unspent Funds for a PBA)
- Organisation Director to approve and submit a Performance Report to the Department (refer to Approve (or Reject) a PBA)
- complete Milestone Reporting (refer to Milestone Reports)
- Service Outlet Data Entry to upload and submit to the Department for approval (refer to Submit a Milestone Report and Resubmit a Department Rejected Milestone Report)
- complete One-Off Reporting (refer to One-Off Reports)
- Service Outlet Data Entry to upload and submit to the Department for approval (refer to Submit a One-Off Report and Resubmit a Department Rejected One-Off Report)
submit and approve Financial Statements including:
Annual Financial Statements (refer to Financial Statements (Acquittals))
General or Special Purpose Financial Statements (refer to General or Special Purpose Financial Acquittals).
Refer to Performance Based Acquittals and Milestone Reporting video for an overview. The timestamp table is useful to navigate to a particular section in the video.